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How to Assign Keyboard Shortcuts to Chrome Extensions

In this guide, we have listed the steps to assign keyboard shortcuts to any of your favorite Chrome extensions. Extensions are small software programs that customize your browsing experience. They not only modernize your browsing experience but even add more functionalities to your browser. From increasing privacy to blocking ads, there exist tons of extensions across varied domains. Your PC would also have many extensions installed at this point.

However, one complaint that you might have regarding them is that Chrome doesn’t provide an easy way of managing them. You have to dig a little deeper before you end up accessing them. Therefore, in this guide, we will be showing you the steps to assign keyboard shortcuts to various Google Chrome extensions. Without further ado, let’s begin with the guide. Also, have a look at 3 amazing new tab page extensions for Google Chrome.

Assigning Keyboard Shortcuts to Chrome Extensions

For the initial steps, you’ll have to head over to the Chrome extensions tab to assign the desired shortcuts. However, this is a one-time effort. The next time, just use your assigned keyboard shortcuts and directly launch the associated Chrome extension. With that said, here are the required instructions. On that note, here are 5 awesome Google Chrome extensions to try.

Steps to Follow

  1. Open the Chrome browser on your PC and click on the overflow icon.
  2. Next, go to More Tools > Extensions.
    chrome extensions menu
  3. Under the Extensions menu, you’ll get a list of all the installed extensions. Click on the hamburger menu and select Keyboard Shortcuts.
    chrome extensions
  4. Now head over to the desired Chrome extension and type in the shortcut of your choice in the same provided. Including the Ctrl or Alt key is compulsory while setting up a shortcut.
  5. So while keeping a hold on the Ctrl or Alt key, press the desired alphabet or numeric key to set up the shortcut. Just make sure that it isn’t overlapping with any of the preset shortcuts like Ctrl+C among others.

That’s it. These are the steps to assign a keyboard shortcut key to any of your installed Chrome extensions. Let us know in the comments in case you face any issues while executing the above steps.

Read next: How to prevent multiple tabs from closing in Chrome

Sadique Hassan

Sadique Hassan

A geek by birth, MBA by profession and blogger by heart, Sadique always has a keen interest in platforms like Android, Windows and everything powered by chips.View Author posts