We always need a converter that can quickly, safely, and free to convert our PDF files to other formats. Therefore, this article will list the top 3 PDF converters you can rely on whenever you want to convert a file.

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1. SizePDF Converter

SizePDF is a free PDF converter that can make converting PDF files to different file types simpler. Such as PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and so on. Amazingly, these things can be done in just a few seconds. Even though this converter is free, it offers many features you would otherwise have to pay for if you use another file converter.size pdf converter

Such as, it has encrypted security. After you convert files to PDF, all files will be encrypted by SSL. There won’t be any leakage problem with the files, so you can upload and convert them safely. You will be the only one who has access to the files, and other people won’t be able to open them without your permission. Meanwhile, many free PDF converters out there don’t have this security feature. Therefore, SizePDF is one of the most reliable PDF converters.

Moreover, you don’t need to log in or sign up when you want to use SizePDF, which allows you to convert as you like. Also, it can convert files without any registration to help you save time. Surely, you can convert the necessary files efficiently and effectively. Last but not least, you can convert PDF files on any device with any browser. It works on all networks and with all devices. And you are free to use all of the tools available in SizePDF without limitation, you don’t have to wait to unlock the tools.

Before you jump to our next recommendation for a good PDF converter, you should check out our guide on saving any webpage as a PDF using your desktop browser in Windows and macOS.

2. iLove PDF Converter

iLove PDF to Word allows you to convert, merge quickly, split, edit, compress, watermark, unlock, protect, organize, repair, and sign PDFs. This PDF tool is also useful because it can be used both online and offline.i lover pdf to word converter

3. Small PDF Converter

SmallPDF PDF to Word is a tool for converting PDF files you can use online or on your computer. It has a lot of PDF-related tools that come together to make a complete way to work with PDF files. To be more specific, this online PDF converter has separate tools for splitting, merging, compressing, and editing PDF files. Moreover, you can easily use the features that come with this specific tool.

Don’t Miss: How to Save a Webpage as PDF on Android and iOS


In general, online PDF converters can convert PDF files to various file formats. However, there is a significant distinction between SizePDF and other PDF converters. SizePDF is totally free and has a better size in PDF files. Meanwhile, most of the other PDF converters need to be paid to utilize all of their features. Consequently, they offer restricted features and limit the file size you can upload and convert.small pdf converter

Even though SizePDF is a new online PDF converter, it already has the same features as other online converters that have been around for years. Even many of the older online converters aren’t any better than SizePDF. Many of them ask you to register, log in with Gmail, and pay, and even many of them have terrible security systems that allow your files to be accessed by others without you realizing it.

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