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How to Change Default Page Margin & Page Size in MS Word 2016

Every time you open a new document in MS Word, the page begins loading with a set size and margin. This default template is designed as per a page size equivalent to a standard sheet of paper. In the United States, that’s 8-1/2-by-11 inches. In Europe, the A4 size is used.

If you change the default page margin and size every time you create a new document, then you are just wasting your time. If there is a set margin and size that you change to all the time, making that the default one makes more sense. Well, not only that, but, if you want, you can create a custom template for all pages in your document, for a specific page, and a specific section. There’s a lot more to the software than just typing words. Anyway, without making this tutorial lengthy or tremendously detailed, let’s get to work.

Here’s how you can change the default margin of a page in MS Word 2016.

  1. Open MS Word.
  2. Open an existing document or create a new one. It doesn’t matter which one it is as long as you can access the required menus.
  3. Click the Layout tab at the top.
  4. In the Layout section, click the Margins option. You will see many settings to choose from in the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Custom Margins at the bottom.
  6. Enter the required measurements on the Top, Down, Left, and Right input fields.
  7. Click Set as Default at the bottom left corner.
  8. Click Yes on the pop-up that appears to confirm the newly made changes.

You have successfully changed the default margin of a page in MS Word.

Here’s how you can change the default size of a page in MS Word 2016.

  1. Follow steps 1 to 3 just like mentioned above.
  2. Now, instead of clicking Margins, click Size.
  3. Click More Paper Sizes.
  4. Select one from the given templates or create one of your own by entering the required measurements.
  5. Click Set as Default at the bottom left corner.
  6. Click Yes on the pop-up that appears to confirm the newly made changes.

You have successfully changed the default size of a page in MS Word.

From now on, whenever you create a new document in MS Word, it will be created with the new measurements.

Sushil Sharma

Sushil Sharma

Sushil is a student by day... and a student by night too. Currently living in the middle of nowhere in India. He spends most of his time reading, gaming, watching movies, learning programming languages and plotting world domination.View Author posts