Millions of PCs in the world are running on Windows 10. As we all know that many new features have been added up in Windows 10. Microsoft has tried to get away from the bad impression created by the Internet explorer. So, it has completely revamped the internet explorer browser and made it from the scratch. It has also tried to make its UI look simple. Termed as Microsoft Edge, it is getting ready to give a tough competition to the browser giants Chrome and Mozilla.

We can also expect some more updates and new features to roll out in the future for Microsoft Edge browser. Browser extensions might be the most expected feature update. Currently, you can add and use any browser extensions in Microsoft Edge browser. Let’s see few tips and tricks of this newbie.

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Microsoft Edge Tips and Tricks

1. Cortana Edge

Microsoft Edge browser has the Microsoft first digital assistant Cortana integrated with it. But you need to enable the Cortana in your Windows PC. Also, you need to set the “Have Cortana assist me in Microsoft Edge” option enabled to start using it. To enable it, just click on the Start menu and launch Microsoft Edge browser. Click on the Menu button on the top right corner of the Microsoft Edge browser window. Then, click on the Settings option. Scroll down until you find Advanced settings, then click on View advanced settings. Toggle the button under “Have Cortana assist me in Microsoft Edge” to ON.addressbar

To start using it, type your question in the search box and Cortana will start showing up the answers.

2. Share Button

Microsoft Edge browser has a share button embedded in the browser window. Whenever you feel like sharing a web page which you are viewing, then just click on the share icon on the top of the browser. A side window will open with the various services, click on the service where you want to share. But you need to install the services app like Facebook, Twitter etc from the Store on your PC to use them.share

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3. Reader view

This feature would come handy if you are an avid reader of articles or books online. Microsoft has added this feature like the other browsers like Safari. All you need to do is once you open the web page which you want to read, just click on the reader view icon near to address bar on the top of the browser window.readerview

4. Reader List

Sometimes you may also want to save the web pages which you liked or you may want to read it later. In such cases reader list option will help. Just click on the star icon next to reader view icon. You can either use the same name or change the name and click on the Add button.readerlist

Whenever you want to read, then just click on the hub icon and select the reader list. You can view the list of added web pages.view-readerlist

5. Annotations

Annotations feature in Microsoft Edge browser helps to highlight, erase, add notes, copy and save the parts of web pages. Click on the Make a Web Note icon and use the tools to highlight the text, copy the text, erase and make a note. Once you are done, click on the Save icon to save the changes made on the web page.


Microsoft Edge browser also has most commonly features like private browsing, default search settings, favourites tool, browser theme changer and many more features which you also find in other browsers.

Do let us know any new interesting features in Microsoft Edge browser through your comments in the below comments section.

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